Any help identifying this 1940's Three Quarter ( T Q ) Midget Race Car will be appreciated.  It came from the Missouri area, and now resides in our restoration shop in North Alabama.Image

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              Complete except for engine and the brake rod, this midget race car is not a  ' homemade ' toy.  Mostly aluminum, including chassis rails, everything is first class workmanship.Image Image Image Image Image

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The nose is formed steel, with the 2 original grills.  Maybe it's design will give a clue as to who designed  and built this car Also note the TWO water outlets in the top quality radiator... WHAT ENGINE DID IT HAVE  ??????... Image


the tail section is beautifully formed, and fits the frame like a glove.  A  LOT of skill went into shaping this piece  Image Image

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Everything has been drilled with lightening holes !!!!Image Image  

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Maybe the radius rod design is the clue to it's builder Image


The seller told me it had a  Crosley engine,  but the iron exhaust manifold makes me believe that's not so.  It is a two port collector, and exits to the right side pipe.Image  Seems the engine sat on the manifold.   WHAT POWER PLANT did this have  ?????  see the radiator twin outlets , above.  

Engine turned dash, and top quality magneto switch and aluminum throttle pedal.Image  

No name plate anywhere that I can see........

 If you have any ideas as to what engine, or who the builder or driver was, please email me  It will probably be Fall of 2005 before we begin restoration, but it sure would be nice to know more about this piece of auto racing history before we begin.  Any Vintage TQ owners or fans out there that can help  ??????


Jan 27, 2005